About Us

Mike Landau, CEO

For over 40 years I have been following the trends in technology. From million dollar computers that needed a special room, raised floors and were rarely accessible to the ordinary person ... to equivalent power that fits into your pocket. 

In fact, one could argue that the smartphone is actually more powerful.All of this has come about through more and more computing power for less and less cost. Computing power has been doubling every 18 to 24 months ... this phenomenon is ofter referred to as Moore's Law. 

Exponology was formed to more formally study exponential change and its impact on society. Most of us feel this change, but do not fully appreciate where it's taking us. Major and revolutionary changes will occur in virtually every element of society. These include:
  • Education
  • Manufacturing
  • Health Care
  • Energy
  • Transportation
  • Communications
Just to name a few. I hope to grow this list as our research moves forward. Exponology will offer services such as education, speaking and consulting to transfer this knowledge to individuals and organizations in order to convey what we have learned and encourage others to think exponentially about the future.